Imura art gallery is proud to present Chihiro Nagashima’s solo exhibition "alien age".
Chihiro Nagashima was born in 1983 in Shizuoka, she currently lives and works in Tokyo after graduated from Kyoto Saga University of Arts in 2006. She announced the work positively while attending the university and she was nominated for TOKYO WONDER WALL award, 2004. Finaly she won the grand prize in 2007.
And she showed her works at her solo exhibition presented at Metropolitan Government Office building, Nagashima uses acril on paper for works, characterised in delicate outline and flat surface of canvas, using different color such as achromatic and pop colors. Portrated figures by her, resident somewhere but here…. The world of her mind that extends constantly can’t be depict by the word painting style neither “Western” nor “Japanese”、”Illustration”, “Animation”. It is new and remarkable as the original works.
This is her second exhibition at our gallery in 2 years, entitled "alien age". We will show around 10 works including 2 pieces of large works. It would be greatly appreciated if you could enjoy the conversation with their works.
My picture starts from generation of vision.
Images occationally come up to my mind.
Some of them are what I saw in my childhood.
They could not make any form and were only floating.
By receiving some kind of impact, floating things and sensation turn into an image of a picture.
These images connect each other by facing pure white paper,and link together to be realized as a picture.
Things cannot be expressed by words, Things I forgot and Things I didn't notice though I saw.
But All of them exist actually on the paper.
Alien age, it is the age that is chaos just as they are.
In the time when someone in somewhere was an alien.
I think their spirits express something in somewhere.
I would like to see what kind of shapes and colors they are by drawing pictures
-Chihiro Nagashima
この度イムラアートギャラリーでは永島千裕展「alien age」を開催いたします。
永島千裕(1983年 静岡県生まれ、東京在住)は2006年に 京都嵯峨芸術大学芸術学部造形学科を卒業。大学在学中から積極的に作品を発表し、トーキョーワンダーウォール2004入選に続き、2007年には大賞を受賞、都庁での個展も実現しました。2008年には東京(たけだ美術・ワンダーサイト本郷)、京都(イムラアートギャラリー)で個展を開催しました。
今回は当ギャラリーでの2年ぶり二回目の個展。「alien age」と題し、120号(193.9*130.3cm)、80号(145.5*112.1cm)など大作を中心に新作約10点を展示する予定です。是非ご高覧ください。
1983 静岡県生まれ
2006 京都嵯峨芸術大学芸術学部造形学科卒業
2007 「うだいの森」青樺画廊/東京
2008 たけだ美術/東京
「at the space time」イムラアートギャラリー/京都
「The stranger」トーキョーワンダーサイト本郷/東京
2005 「中村邸にて。」展(北海道)
「DISCOVERY 2005」青樺画廊(東京)
2008 「WONDER SEEDS 2008」トーキョーワンダーサイト渋谷(東京)
2007 トーキョーワンダーウォール2007大賞受賞