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Imura art gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition “Atarimae-no-koto 3kg Painting” by Japanese Artist Sadaharu Horio.
This exhibition shows his works named “Weight Painting”, consisted under the condition of the state of 3 kilograms by glueing metals. Working as a menber of “Gutai” in the 1960s, Horio is a pioneer of performance artist, and is still actively working on his works for some exhibitions.

Horio decided to draw paintings throughout his life when he was junior high school student, and his works consistently center on how to express the presence of “air” which is obvious to us. Air, of which we can hardly be conscious, is something invisible we cannot live without. In order to make something “obvious” visible, he constantly paints objects around him, and gives them the form every single day for more than 40 years.

Horio piles up works day by day, which can be said that “Sadaharu Horio” himself is Art.

“Someone who doesn’t have time is vital person and knows the essence. I think it is the truth. ”

Through his words, we can see Horio’s strong intention to continue to work on creation and exhibitions.

Hope you can have a conversation with a new “Obvious Things” created by Horio.

この度、イムラアートギャラリー京都では、堀尾貞治展「あたりまえのこと 3kg 絵画」を開催いたします。

本展は「重量絵画」による展覧会となっております。「重量絵画」というのは、3kg の重さ、
というように重量条件を設定し、3kg 分の金属を自由につなぎ合わせて造形する作品であります。

1960 年代より「具体」のメンバーとして活動を始めた堀尾貞治は、パフォーマンスアートの先駆者であり、現在も精力的に展覧会を行い、活躍しています。





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Sadaharu HORIO solo exhibition “Atarimae-no-koto 3kg Painting”

Oct 17(Sat) - Oct 31(Sat) , 2015

堀尾貞治展 「あたりまえのこと 3kg絵画」

Oct 17(Sat) - Oct 31(Sat) , 2015

レセプション | 10月17日(土)17:00〜