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photo by Syoh Yoshida
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We are proud to present the exhibition of Tenun by Keikou Nishimura III (noted below as Keikou Nishimura) at the KOU KYOTO and Imura Art Gallery Kyoto.

Keikou Nishimura was born as the first son of Keikou Nishimura II in Kyoto, Japan. He graduated from the lacquer division at Dohda Arts High School, and entered apprenticeship under Masaya Suzuki (三代表朔). He completed his apprenticeship to take over his family craft in 1994. Instead of restricting his craft to just the topcoat of the lacquer, Keikou Nishimura continues to explore the potential of the TAWAME technique, through studying and experimenting with all processes involved in lacquering. His works continue to be presented both domestically and internationally.  

The Sumitogi(charcoal polish) series of Tenun lacquer works (directed by Keikou Nishimura), achieves an unique matte lacquer finish by layering the lacquer on a wooden base, and polishing the surface with charcoal. This brings out a delicate yet stoic materiality that is usually hidden underneath the luster of traditional gloss lacquerware.

On the other hand, Keikou’s own works feature a bold yet refined weight to the lacquer . He creates his unique organic forms by using the TAWAME technique: He balances the conflicting forces of the shaped paper-thin Zelkova veneers trying to return to its original state, with the forces of the lacquer trying to retain its shaped state while the wood veneer soaks the lacquer and cures.

The KOU KYOTO will exhibit the Tenun(*) lacquerware while the Imura Art Gallery will exhibit Keikou Nishimura’s own lacquer works. Please enjoy the two distinct works of lacquer created by Keikou Nishimura, exhibited in the two galleries with distinct spatial characters.

The Tenun brand was established to spread the use of Kyoto lacquerware, a local traditional craft. Under the direction of Keikou Nishimura, the brand locally produces hand crafted lacquerware while providing a place and training for the next generation of lacquer artisans as an attempt to preserve the traditional art of lacquer making.


西村圭功は漆器職人である上塗り師の二代目西村圭功の長男として京都に生まれました。京都市立銅駝美術工芸高校漆芸科を卒業後、 鈴木雅也氏(三代表朔)に弟子入りし、1994年に家業の跡継ぎとして独立。2008年に三代目西村圭功を襲名しました。上塗り のみでなく、塗りの全工程を習得した西村は、「撓め(たわめ)」技法による作品発表などを通して、漆界の伝統を踏襲しながらも 新たな可能性に挑戦しつつ、国内外で発表を続けています。

本展では、撓め技法による幅80センチにもなる大作を含む新作3点を展示致します。 紙のように薄いケヤキ材を紐で撓め、漆を吸わせて木地を固めることによって、元に戻ろうとする「木」の力と、とどまろうとする 「漆」の力の双方が働き、有機的な形態の作品が出来上がります。 繊蜜にストイックに、手作業で幾度も漆を塗り重ねては砥ぎ上げるという工程によって作られた作品は、漆黒の鈍い輝きをまと いながら存在感を放っています。 西村圭功による新作の、木と漆の力によって生み出される大ぶりな曲線と、塗りと研ぎの繰り返しによって極められた漆の深み ある艶を是非会場にてご高覧くださいませ。

※11/25(金)~同時開催 昂 KYOTOにて、2014年に西村洋子がプロジェクトをスタートさせた、西村圭功漆工房が監修する京漆器ブランド「天雲-Tenun-」の漆器を展示致します。

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Keikou Nishimura Solo Exhibition

Nov 25(Fri.) - Dec 17(Sat.) , 2016

西村圭功 個展

Nov 25(Fri.) - Dec 17(Sat.) , 2016