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《Flowers Iris Reflection Silver》紙本銀地着色金彩 72.7×72.7cm 2024
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《Great Wave Pink Fuji》紙本金地着色 53×53cm 2024
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Imura art gallery is pleased to announce Rimpa Reflection, a solo exhibition by Nippon-ga artist Taro Yamamoto.

Since 1999, when he advocated “Nippon-ga,” a fusion of Japanese classical painting with contemporary styles, Taro Yamamoto has produced a large body of works that are traditional, but also rich in innovative style. Recently, Yamamoto has been working on a new Nippon-ga project called NEO UKIYOE, in which he focuses on ukiyo-e, but gives the images a pop art arrangement.

This exhibition presents the artist’s NEO UKIYOE  works along with his new Flowers Iris series, inspired by the folding screen masterpiece Irises by Ogata Korin, who is known for perfecting the Rimpa style. Yamamoto aims to incorporate a contemporary sense of color and design into motifs that are very familiar to Japanese viewers, featuring irises, groups of plants with deep blue and bluish-green colors, rhythmically arranged in ornate pictures in which lavish use is made of gold leaf.

Andy Warhol’s Flowers series is an example of the influence of such ideas. These famous images of flowers come in many color variations. Using silk-screen printing, Warhol repeatedly produced images rendered in a two-dimensional, abstracted manner with vivid colors. Korin was also an artist who freely used this technique of repeating motifs. It is now known that Korin used stencils to reproduce some of the motifs rendered in Irises.

Discovering commonalities between Korin and Warhol, two artists who at first glance seem to be the products of completely different times and countries, Yamamoto uses his own distinctive sensibility to extract their respective properties and produce works of greater refinement. This solo exhibition reveals how Yamamoto’s new works brilliantly combine traditional iconography with a contemporary sense of color.

 この度、イムラアートギャラリーでは、ニッポン画家・山本太郎による個展「Rimpa Reflection」を開催いたします。
 山本太郎は、1999年より日本の古典絵画と現代風俗を融合させた「ニッポン画」を提唱し、伝統的でありながらも革新に満ちた作品を数多く手がけてきました。近年、山本は「ニッポン画」の新たな試みとして、浮世絵に着目し、それらの図様をポップアート風にアレンジした「NEO UKIYOE」に取り組んでいます。
 本展では、この「NEO UKIYOE」に加え、今回初公開となる新シリーズ「Flowers Iris」をご紹介します。本シリーズは、琳派の大成者・尾形光琳の代表作である《燕子花図屏風》から着想を得て制作されました。金箔をふんだんに使用した絢爛たる画面に、リズミカルに配された群青と緑青の燕子花の群生という、日本人にとって非常に馴染み深いこの図柄に、山本は現代的な色彩・デザイン感覚を取り入れようとしたのでした。

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山本太郎「Rimpa Reflection」

2024.07.20 (Sat.) - 2024.08.09 (Fri.) *日月祝 休廊

Opening Reception:7.20 (Sat.) 15:00-18:00

More press release pdf: View PDF

山本太郎「Rimpa Reflection」

2024.07.20 (Sat.) - 2024.08.09 (Fri.) *日月祝 休廊

Opening Reception:7.20 (Sat.) 15:00-18:00

プレスリリースPDFはこちら: Press Release|山本太郎 "Rimpa Reflection"