Eric Zetterquist
1962 | オハイオ州ヤングズダウンに生まれる |
1985 | ニューヨーク大学卒業 |
1982- 1992 |
杉本博司のもとで働く |
1992 | 独立しスタジオとギャラリーを開く |
Solo Exhibitions
2014 | オブジェクト・ポートレイト/フィラデルフィア美術館、アメリカ |
2017 | Contemporary Portraits of Ancient Object by Eric Zetterquist/東南アジア陶磁美術館、バンコク、タイ |
2018 | オブジェクト・ポートレイト Object Portraits by Eric Zetterquist/大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館 |
2020 | オブジェクト・ポートレイト/imura art gallery、京都 |
2021 |
Salient Lines – Vintage and Supercar Portraits/Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens、アメリカ |
抽象 Abstraction by CADAN/伊勢丹新宿店 アートギャラリー、東京 |
Group Exhibitions
2015 | Signal 8/Cat Street Gallery、香港 |
2016 | Literati/CuriosityⅡ/サザビーズ、香港 |
2018 | VASA VASORUM|The Vase in Contemporary Art + Design/サンタフェ、ニューメキシコ、アメリカ |
2019 | 台北當代2019 /台北、台湾(Each Modernブースより出展) |
artKYOTO2019、京都 | |
2020 | グループ展/imura art gallery、京都 |
Public Collection
フィラデルフィア美術館 |
東南アジア陶磁美術館 |
大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館 |
Artist's Website
1962 | Born in Youngstown, Ohio, USA |
1985 | Graduated from New York University |
1982- 1992 |
Worked for Hiroshi Sugimoto |
1992 | Opened his studio/gallery |
Solo Exhibitions
2014 | Object Portraits, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA |
2017 | Contemporary Portraits of Ancient Object by Eric Zetterquist, Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum, Bangkok, Thailand |
2018 | “Object Portraits by Eric Zetterquist” The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka |
2020 | “Object Portraits by Eric Zetterquist” imura art gallery, Kyoto |
2021 | "Salient Lines – Vintage and Supercar Portraits",Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens,Florida,USA |
”Abstraction by CADAN",Isetan Shinjuku Store Main Building 6F art gallery,Tokyo |
Group Exhibitions
2015 | Signal 8, Cat Street Gallery, Hong Kong |
2016 | Literati/CuriosityⅡ, Sotheby’s, Hong Kong |
2018 | VASA VASORUM|The Vase in Contemporary Art + Design, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA |
2019 | Taipei Dangdai 2019 (From Each Modern, Taipei, Taiwan) |
artKYOTO2019, Kyoto | |
2020 | Group exhibiton, imura art gallery, Kyoto |
Public Collection
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA |
Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum, Bangkok, Thailand |
The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka |